User experience and customer experience: similar words, huge differences!

A post by Florian GUILBERT, MSc Student in Digital Marketing @KEDGE Business School. 

What do you think about CX and UX? Like most people, you probably think they are the similar! I thought the same before studying digital marketing in business school and now I can say it’s not the same at all!

UX is the customer/user’s experience with a specific product or service, a website, an app, or software. The design of the interface its usability, information architecture, navigation, comprehension, etc. all this things combined create the UX.

And CX? Forbes says that customer experience is the “cumulative impact of multiple touchpoints” over the course of a customer’s interaction with an organization, a brand, a company….  CX is a large concept including all channels and all products within the same brand, and how the user feels about them. Also, CX includes an idea of relationship created between consumer and the brand and how this relationship  could evolve.

To summarize:


Which one should I favor?

Both, my captain!

If you have a bad UX when you start using an app or website, you will have difficulties finding what you want, browsing information will be confusing, and you will waste time, which is probably the worse thing for a consumer! In return, you can have the best  app or website of all times, but if you have a bad CX, and can’t deliver a good service or provide experience in your shop, the effect is null. In both cases, consumers are not satisfied.

Let’s take a look at some best examples of  CX and UX

Below a selection of my favorite CX!

L’Oréal Make Up Genius, L’Oreal does not only sell cosmetic anymore, but also beauty services thanks to augmented reality! They use new technologies every day, I love it!


Peugeot: Peugeot’s Connect app service is the companion of the car which includes monitoring and controls functionalities!  Mobiles services help the use of physical products, just a great idea!


Nike + :  Nike+ follows you all day long by recording your trainings sessions and coaching you according to your physiognomy. A personal coach in your pocket!

Below a selection af my favorite UX!

Graze : One of my biggest pet peaves on any website is when it’s not immediately clear. Here, there is a really simple explanation of what the company does and what you need to do!



Farmdrop : There are only two options for the user at this stage: explore the shop or find out more. This provides the customer with a straightforward journey and guides them towards the purchasing stage.

Vertty : Vertty just sells one product, you flick between all the different color options and you see you all the key information when you hover your mouse over the product.GUILBERT 6

And you? What your best example of UX and CX? Give me your opinion 😉


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